Project Title: Amazon-Inspired UI/UX Design and Development
This project involved designing and developing a single-page application (SPA) that mirrors the layout, functionality, and responsiveness of the Amazon website. Built using React, Bootstrap, FontAwesome, and MaterialUI, the main objective was to create an intuitive and interactive interface that provides a seamless shopping experience. The project is live and can be viewed at this link.
Explore a Fully Functional Amazon-Inspired Web Application
This project showcases an Amazon-inspired e-commerce platform built using React, Bootstrap, and MaterialUI to replicate key elements of Amazon's user interface and experience. The application features a responsive product listing with dynamic "Add to Basket" functionality, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for users. By utilizing modern web development tools and best practices, such as the BEM methodology for maintainable CSS and advanced React state management, this project demonstrates my ability to create intuitive, scalable, and visually appealing web applications. You can view the live demo and explore the fully functional site, which mirrors the layout and interactions of a leading e-commerce platform.
Seamless Header Magic: Powering Search, Auth, and Cart in an Amazon Clone
 Illustrates the development of an Amazon-inspired e-commerce application using React. On the left, the live site displays a product listing with interactive "Add to Basket" buttons, while the right shows the corresponding code for the Header.js component in a VSCode editor. The code manages key functionalities such as user authentication (sign-in/sign-out), the site logo, and the search bar, using React hooks and MaterialUI icons. This setup demonstrates the seamless integration of front-end components, closely mimicking the Amazon shopping experience.

Smart Header Logic: Driving User Interaction with Search, Auth, and Cart
Notice the development of a dynamic header for an Amazon-inspired e-commerce site, where the code powers essential features like user authentication, product search, and shopping cart management. On the left, the live site presents a product listing, a promotional banner, and an interactive header with a search bar, while the right side displays the code behind these features in the Header.js file. Using React hooks for state management and Firebase for authentication, this component seamlessly integrates user actions such as signing in, searching products, and managing the cart, delivering a user-friendly experience similar to Amazon’s.
Crafting a Dynamic E-Commerce Header: Styling and Logic in Sync
This shows the design and functionality of the header component for an Amazon-inspired e-commerce platform. The first image showcases the CSS styling in the Header.css file, where the layout, colors, and spacing for various header elements such as the logo, search bar, and navigation options are defined. This includes making the header sticky, ensuring the logo scales properly, and setting up the search bar and cart with clean, responsive design.
It also displays the JavaScript logic in the Header.js file, where React components are utilized to handle user interactions, including authentication and cart updates. The code integrates Firebase authentication, allowing the header to dynamically display the user's sign-in status, as well as handle adding items to the cart by rendering the total item count next to the cart icon. Together, these files form a cohesive and dynamic header that delivers both form and function, providing a seamless user experience in line with Amazon's familiar UI.

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